Don Juan in Hell
Steve Capra's review: Don Juan in Hell by George Bernard Shaw directed by Karen Case Cook with: Elise Stone Jason O’Connell Joseph J. Menino Craig Smith George Bernard Shaw wrote Man and Superman in 1903. He revived the comedy of manners to present the Don Juan myth taken from Mozart’s Don Giovanni . Now, Shaw saw women as the sexual aggressor, intent on procreation and furthering human development. In his version of the story it is Dona Ana (now personified as Ann Whitefield) who chases Don Juan (John Tanner). Shaw was influenced by the Nietzchean idea of the Superman, and it was woman who would produce that Superman. The play is full of erudite Shavian cleverness, but its greatness comes from Tanner’s dream that takes up nearly all of the third act – Don Juan in Hell . It is in style and tone totally different than the larger play, and nearly sui generis in modern drama. Don Jan in Hell is less a drama than a dramatic dialog. John Tanner shows up as Don Juan himself, Ann...