Noise in the Waters
Noise in the Waters by Marco Martinelli From Teatro Delle Albe, Italy LaMaMA (New York, off-off-Broadway) has presented an Italian show, from Ravenna, Noise in the Waters , written and directed by Marco Martinelli , It’s a monologue performed by Allesandro Renda, with the help of two musicians. From the opening moments we’re challenged by the play. The musicians enter and, standing down center, pause to look at us with before proceeding to their stage right chairs. Their gazes express a request for response. The single actor enters and stands center, where he remains throughout the performance. Renda presents us with a man in a fit of stress so strong it’s as if tension has created a sort of spastic paralysis. His movements, without exception, are abrupt, violent jerks. The script is written in disjointed free verse. Except for few short passages in English, it’s spoken in Italian with English surtitles projected at the back of the stage. Throughout, Renda gro...