Sam Eaton: The Quantum Eye

The Quantum Eye
written and performed by Sam Eaton
produced by Eaton Magic Creations, Inc.
In The Quantum Eye, mentalist Sam Eaton presents such terrific demonstrations of his talent that by the show’s end we’re certain that he possesses telepathy, precognition and any other paranormal skill he might choose to claim. Actually, he doesn’t claim any; he tells us that he works with suggestion, mnemonics and non-verbal cues.
In the first demonstration of his powers, he has four volunteers on stage. One is told he’s the murderer, and each one tells Eaton that he is not the murderer. By examining their facial expressions and holding each one’s arm, he can tell which one is lying. He chats with them a bit first, and he told us in the performance I saw that was establishing “a base line for truth.”
In another demonstration, he draws the same figure that his audience member has drawn and concealed. He writes numbers on a chart so that vertically, horizontally and in blocks they add up to the number in another volunteer’s head (the arrangement is called The Magic Square).
He splits a well-shuffled deck of cards between two people on stage. Then he runs through the names of the cards and tells us which person holds each – Jack of Spades, the man to his left; Deuce of Hearts, the man to his right, etc… He scored 52 out of 52.
In his most impressive demonstration, Eaton works with a scissors and some news articles. He each of his three volunteers tell him at what point to cut each article in two, then he has each one read out the line where each was cut. Then he reveals that he’s already written each of those lines in a large roll. Pretty impressive!
Naturally, the bulk of the 85 minutes this show lasts is spent preparing us for each revelation. A performer has to have more than ESP to pull this off; it takes stage presence. Eaton has no problem with the challenge. He embeds his feats in marvelous layers of stage embellishment, sometimes preparing us for two or three demonstrations at once. He keeps us immersed in his work, in a state of prolonged anticipation. He entertains with enthusiasm and control, and he’s great with the kids who come on stage as volunteers along with the adults.
A show for the whole family doesn’t always appeal to the adults, but this show genuinely entertains and amazes all ages. It couldn’t be more delightful, more marvelous.
Steve Capra
February 2015

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