The Legend of Oni
The Legend of Oni is a charming musical from Musical Company OZmate, a
company from Takarazuka, Japan. Onis are the Japanese equivalent of ogres. They come to punish us
humans when we’ve been bad. They are fearful to behold, and we die if we see
the Onis marching. We become Onis when we harbor in our hearts “grudges and
anger” (the phrase occurs several times in the play).
The play is set
during the Heian period (between 794 to 1185), before the Samurai. The story
concerns the nobleman Nagamichi and his two children, his son Ebuki and his
daughter Toki. Nagamichi is an Oni in the sense that he has an evil heart, but
Ebuki is an Oni in a different sense. He turns into an Oni and lives with them
on the mountain. The Onis kidnap Toki and Nagamichi sends a servant to take her
The script plays
with the idea of Onis and tells us that humans are the true Onis (because we
are really the evil ones).
The stage is bare except for small screens upstage
that roll as required, but the show is beautiful to see. The costumes are
marvelous, many based on kimonos. The Onis themselves are stunning in white costumes
with white staffs. The stylized, angular movements are exciting, and the dance,
some of it fan dancing, during the songs is great.
This is an all-female company, and casting only
actresses contributes to the distance we feel from the piece. There’s no
attempt here to make us identify with characters. It’s all as removed from our
lives as any myth could be.
The drama is intense. The most positive moment comes
from the Onis themselves, when they tell Toki “Enjoy the Oni life!”
The book, music and lyrics are by Naoko Tsujii, who
also directed the show very well and with great precision. The show’s strange music
and its singing are unremarkable, but we’re very glad that Musical Company
OZmate came over. The show is presented as part of The New York International
Fringe Festival.
Steve Capra
August 2016
August 2016